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Trip to Augustine House Library

Another fabulous library tour, this time to the spacious Augustine House Library at Christ Church University, Canterbury. As you can see from the picture, this is an unusual library in that the first floor has zero books. Not one book to check out. And it just gets stranger (or more awesome, depending how you look at it).

One theme I have been running into with each library I visit is that the profession has been steadily changing. The librarian has gone from being a person who sits behind a desk, waiting to be asked a question or to check out a book, to an information professional who spends time with the readers, gaining insight into what kinds information is needed, and making that information easily accessible just in the nick of time.

In this vein, Augustine House Library has been designed as a hub for the entire campus and even city for finding time-sensitive information on all sorts of topics. The open plan gives space to individuals for both study and teaching. There is an auditorium for public events and "information kiosks" on all levels being maned each day--where a person can ask for information on any topic. The university job center is on the first floor along with a cafe. This and the fact that students need to come to the library to register, guarantees that students come through the doors.

Although the library is several levels high, there was a fear that the books might take up too much space. To solve this issue, the shelves have been built to fit together and can be moved via an electronic key-pad to create rows only as needed. Not to worry though, you can't be squished between the shelves if someone decides to close a row while you are in it, not that the mischievous librarians haven't tried.

In summation, this is a lovely library. And because it is open to the public, I think I might give it another visit next time I am in Canterbury. I might read a book while having a cup of tea in the lovely atmosphere.

After the visit, I met with a couple of my fellow CILIP Kent Committee members. We would like to try and do a sort-of introduction to NHS librarianship at some point next year. I guess it's time to start emailing/pestering people.

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